Vegan Blueberry Smoothie Bowl

Great to Boost your Energy! Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Refined Sugar Free.

Vegan Blueberry Smoothie Bowl


1 person


Preparation: 5 minutes


This Vegan Blueberry Smoothie Bowl makes a delicious refreshing breakfast on hot summer days. It’s packed with energizing antioxidants, and it tastes just like a soft serve ice cream! Ready in 5 minutes with just 5 ingredients. 

Traditional breakfast smoothies usually contain several pieces of fruit and apple juice to make them extra sweet. Although they contain a good number of vitamins, they’re also very concentrated in fruit sugars that cause your blood sugar levels to first peak and then crash soon after drinking the smoothie. This can leave you feeling hungry or craving sweets just 1 or 2 hours after having had breakfast.

Thé trick to feel satisfied for longer and to keep your energy levels up throughout the morning is to lower the amount of concentrated fruit sugars and increase the amount of healthy fats and fiber in your smoothies.

This vegan blueberry smoothie bowl has plant-based yoghurt or avocado with a spoonful of MCT oil. Those healthy fats help to slowly release the fruit sugars from the blueberries and better absorb the vitamins from the fruit.

Vegan Blueberry Smoothie Bowl to Boost Your Energy! Only 5 ingredients. Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Refined Sugar Free.

Our ALL GOOD MCT oil is pure C8 MCT oil from coconut. It delivers a quick energy boost and helps to burn fat for fuel by assisting your body in creating ketones as alternative fuel to glucose.

I use a daily spoonful of MCT oil because it works wonders on my digestion, energy, and cravings! It helps to feel more satisfied, beat sugar cravings, improve focus, and increase your energy levels. The oil is neutral in taste so you can use it in both sweet and savory dishes.

Feel free to experiment with other types of berries in this smoothie recipe: raspberries, strawberries, a frozen berry mix from your local supermarket… You can use fresh berries as well, but the frozen ones will give you that ‘soft serve ice cream’ texture.

Would you love me to share more summer breakfast recipes to boost your energy? Are you also looking for practical tips on how to activate your natural fat-burning metabolism?

Let me know by leaving a comment down below.


Vegan Blueberry Smoothie Bowl to Boost Your Energy! Only 5 ingredients. Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Refined Sugar Free.

Vegan Blueberry Smoothie Bowl (Dairy Free, Gluten Free)


  1. Blend all ingredients, except for the toppings, into a creamy smoothie.
  2. Add toppings of your choice; I used blueberries and ALL GOOD keto granola.


  • Tastes amazing with a spoonful of peanut butter or almond butter too.
  • The MCT oil helps to slowly release the fruit sugars from the blueberries, which in turn helps to feel satisfied and energized for longer.

Would you love me to share more quick breakfast recipes, or do you prefer low carb main meals? Are you looking for practical tips on how to activate your natural fat-burning metabolism? Let me know by leaving a comment down below.

Vegan Blueberry Smoothie Bowl to Boost Your Energy! Only 5 ingredients. Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Refined Sugar Free.

Nutritional value (per person, with ½ cup vegan natural yoghurt and 1 tablespoon MCT oil, without toppings)

Carbohydrates 23 g
Protein 7.8 g
Fats 26.2 g
Calories 382 kcal

Nutritional value (per person, as above, including 4 tablespoons ALL GOOD cinnamon keto granola)

Carbohydrates 25.5 g
Protein 13.5 g
Fats 42 g
Calories 559.7 kcal



Julie, Graag enkele koolhydraatarme middagmalen aub.


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