Green Antioxidant Smoothie for Clear Skin

Green Antioxidant Smoothie for Clear Skin


Would you like to clear up your skin, have more energy and maybe lose a few pounds along the way? At the beginning of Spring it’s a great idea to help your body to release toxins that have been accumulated during wintertime. This Green Antioxidant Smoothie is packed with vitamin C and antioxidants that will stimulate your liver’s natural ability to clean toxic waste from your body. It will also help to cleanse your colon and get a flatter belly!

Green Antioxidant Smoothie for Clear Skin

SERVES: 1 person

EQUIPMENT: blender


1 cup chilled green tea (or water)
1 cup ripe pineapple
1 orange
½ small grapefruit (or extra orange)
1 teaspoon chia seeds
1 teaspoon lucuma powder (optional)
2 large handfuls of leafy greens (I used spinach & curly endive)


Combine chilled green tea (or water), pineapple, orange, grapefruit, chia seeds, lucuma powder and leafy greens in a blender. Blend until smooth.


  • Don’t have time to prepare a fresh smoothie in the morning? Make it at night, store it in an airtight container (preferably glass or at least BPA free) and take it with you the next morning.
  • Lucuma is rich in calcium, iron and phosphorus – good for strong bones, healthy digestion and hormone balance.

Now I would love to hear from you! Have you ever done a detox cleanse? What was your experience like? Let me know by leaving a comment down below.

Green Antioxidant Smoothie for Clear Skin

Green Antioxidant Smoothie for Clear Skin

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