Fight the Flu Naturally with These 6 Easy Tips

Say goodbye to Mr Cold and Miss Flu! These natural immune boosting remedies will help you to prevent and treat a bad case of cold or flu more effectively than any pill or syrup available on the market. With temperatures barely rising above 0 degrees (32°F), these tips will keep you healthy and thriving during the cold winter months.

Tip 1: Create a rainbow of color on your plate 

Have you ever heard of the expression “eat a rainbow and you will find the pot of gold”? Filling your daily diet with colorful fruits and vegetables will provide you with all the essential vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients your body needs to boost its immune system. And we all know that a strong body is better able to ward off unwanted invaders.

Tip 2: Stress less

Even a moderate amount of stress a day can weaken your immune system and accelerate the speed at which you age. Lucky for us, there are several easy ways to effectively deal with negative or ‘unnecessary’ stress. One of those ways is through diet. Did you know that 70% of all ‘unnecessary’ stress is caused by a poor diet? Our body needs high amounts of natural, unprocessed foods rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, essential fatty acids and good bacteria in order to stay healthy and strong. Fresh fruit and vegetables, quinoa, nuts, seeds and seaweeds are all examples of such unrefined and nutrient-dense foods. Adopting a diet high in raw foods will help you to effectively deal with everyday challenges.

Tip 3: Spice it up 

Fresh or dried herbs and spices such as garlic, ginger, turmeric and cayenne all have anti-inflammatory properties and have been used around the world for centuries to kill viruses and heal mucous membranes that get inflamed with a cold. Add ginger and turmeric to your morning smoothie, make yourself a comforting cup of fresh ginger tea, start your day with a lukewarm glass of lemon water with extra cayenne, gargle with ginger juice to soothe a sore throat or – if you can stand the strong taste – eat a clove of raw garlic to help kill bacteria. This last remedy really works! Just make sure your partner joins you to avoid the familiar smell..

3 extra tips to fight the flu naturally are coming your way soon.. Stay warm and healthy everyone :)



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