ALL GOOD Raw Vegan Snack Box: The Making-Of

ALL GOOD Raw Vegan Snack Box: The Making-Of

All Good

Simon and I’ve been getting so many questions about our ALL GOOD raw vegan product line lately that I thought it would be fun to show you what we do ☺ I hope you’ll enjoy this behind-the-scenes sneak peek! 

I can still remember the first time I walked into a Whole Foods Market… Heaven on earth! A huge salad bar, refrigerators filled with juices & smoothies, and line after line of gluten free products and raw vegan snacks. It was about time that Belgium got its own brand of raw vegan goodies too!

ALL GOOD Raw Vegan Snack Box: Raw Vegan Tabouleh with Teriyaki Cashews

And so ALL GOOD was born, the first homemade raw vegan product line in Belgium. Simon and I produce every single snack at our home near Ghent. All of our products are plant-based and free from refined sugars, gluten and dairy.

The first step: soaking our nuts and seeds. Almonds, walnuts, buckwheat… They all become easier to digest and a lot healthier. Did you know that un-soaked nuts, seeds, grains and legumes contain enzyme inhibitors that can slow down your metabolism, interfere with your thyroid function, and even block your absorption of vitamins and minerals? Soaking it is!

After soaking the nuts and seeds in cold water overnight, we dehydrate them until they are crunchy again. This usually takes 24 hours or longer. The result: super crispy nuts that are sweeter to taste and lower in fat content. Now that are base ingredients are ready, we can create delicious snacks!

ALL GOOD Raw Vegan Snack Box: The Making-Of

Here I’m making a batch of Crunchy Cinnamon Granola, one of my favorite breakfast granolas. We mix soaked buckwheat with pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, vanilla, cinnamon, date paste and more goodness.

This granola is packed with flavor and nutrients! It’s high in zinc, vitamin E, calcium and magnesium – great for younger looking skin, shiny hair and a strong immune system. 

When the dough for the Crunchy Cinnamon Granola is ready, it goes into the dehydrator. First we cover each dehydrator tray with a Teflex sheet (the equivalent of baking paper, but re-usable), then we put the dough on top and spread it out with a spatula.

ALL GOOD Raw Vegan Snack Box: The Making-Of

Then we score the dough into small granola cubes. After dehydrating the granola for more than 24h at 115°F, it is finally ready.

ALL GOOD Raw Vegan Snack Box: Chia Pudding with Crunchy Cinnamon Granola

Fun detail: our house always smells like sweet cinnamon buns! It’s really hard not to eat an entire bag of these once you’ve tried a piece…

The Crunchy Cinnamon Granola is not the only raw vegan snack from our ALL GOOD Snack Box.

ALL GOOD Raw Vegan Snack Box: Banana Oatmeal Cookies

A standard box also contains…

  • Banana Bread Energy Bars
  • Chocolate Brownie Truffles
  • Banana Oatmeal Breakfast Cookies
  • Tortilla Chips
  • Teriyaki Cashews
  • and Almond Cashew Cheese Crackers

ALL GOOD Raw Vegan Snack Box: Chocolate Brownie Truffles

Perfect to curb those afternoon snack cravings! 

Now all that’s left to do is assemble the snacks in a box and take it to the post office!

If I've sparked your curiosity, please visit

See you next week for a new recipe video ☺

ALL GOOD Raw Vegan Snack Box: Tortilla Chips with Guacamole & Tomato Salsa


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