Can Cinnamon Can Help You Lose Weight & Control Diabetes?

Cinnamon is one of my all-time favorite spices for raw breakfast creations, healthy snacks and delicious desserts. It adds a wonderful aroma and a spicy, sweet flavor to recipes. And guess what: cinnamon helps to lose weight and control diabetes too! Curious to know how? Then read on… Cinnamon can help you to shed excess pounds and prevent diabetes for different reasons:

  • Cinnamon lowers blood sugar levels: Several scientific studies published in the journal Diabetes Care have shown that cinnamon helps to lower glucose levels in people with Type 2 diabetes. It slows the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream, therefore preventing sharp peaks and dips in blood sugar levels. Just half a teaspoon of cinnamon a day can significantly improve your ability to regulate blood sugar. Keeping your blood sugar levels stable is essential in maintaining a healthy weight. It will reduce your cravings for sweet foods, prevent you from gaining extra weight and help you to lose persistent belly fat.
  • Cinnamon manages insulin levels: Cinnamon has the ability to boost the production of insulin, the hormone responsible for lowering the blood sugar level. When we eat a meal or snack high in sugar, our body prepares to absorb this glucose by secreting insulin in the pancreas. The insulin then travels through the blood to our small intestine, where it produces enzymes that metabolize the glucose and lower our overall blood sugar levels. According to Dr. Joseph Mercola, cinnamon has been indicated as a potential insulin substitute because of its impact on blood sugar levels and its ability to improve glucose control.
  • Cinnamon supports digestion: Cinnamon helps to boost the body’s metabolism by optimizing digestion and relieving constipation in a natural way. It helps to burn calories faster and eliminate excess fat stores by using them as energy. This way, you are likely to lose weight more quickly. But remember: unless you are adding cinnamon to a healthy diet high in raw vegetables and fruits, you will not experience any of the incredible benefits it has to offer.

There are many ways to use cinnamon every day:

  • Sprinkle a pinch on your breakfast pudding, oatmeal or fruit salad;
  • Add ½ teaspoon to your favorite smoothie or shake;
  • Sprinkle some on your favorite tea or raw ‘hot’ chocolate;
  • Or make a delicious cinnamon-apple pie!

Can Cinnamon Can Help You Lose Weight & Control Diabetes?

Photo credits:

Whirling Phoenix via photo pin cc S
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