Top 12 Hydrating Foods to Lose Weight & Stay Cool during Summer – part 2

I have a confession to make… I am totally addicted to radishes! Unlike most women who crave chocolates or sweets, I can’t get enough of these crunchy red globes. I love everything about them: their refreshing and cool feel when you put them in your mouth, their crunchy texture when you sink your teeth into them and their sharp, spicy taste when they first hit your taste buds! Since radishes are also extremely high in water content, I had to put them at the top of today’s list of moisturizing foods. I hope you enjoy part 2 of my top 12 hydrating summer foods to lose weight!

You can find Part 1 of these Top 12 Hydrating Raw Foods to Lose Weight Quickly right here.

4. Radishes

Radishes contain more than 95 percent water, the perfect spicy snack to prevent dehydration! They are extremely high in potassium and magnesium, and also contain amylase. This enzyme is used to efficiently digest carbohydrates and properly eliminate waste products from the body. Needless to say that radishes will help you to achieve a flat belly and gain energy! Enjoy radishes as pre-lunch nibbles, toss them into your favorite salad or add them to your veggie & dip platter.

5. Pineapple

Pineapple is another exceptionally juicy fruit that will help you to lose weight quickly and hydrate every cell in your body. This delicious summer fruit is very high in bromelain, a powerful extract with anti-inflammatory effects. Pineapple will also aid your digestion and natural detoxification process, two factors that can contribute to fast weight loss. Looking for an innovative way to use fresh pineapple? Combine it with sweet red bell pepper, cilantro, green onion and creamy avocado. Then sprinkle the colorful mixture with lime juice and salt and you’ve got yourself a tasty pineapple salsa!

6. Celery

Celery consists almost entirely of water and provides lots of additional nutrients such as phosphorus, iron and zinc. Thanks to its unique combination of mineral salts, amino acids and vitamins, celery has been proven to hydrate our body twice as effectively as a glass of pure water. As little as two or three stalks of this mineral-rich vegetable are needed to effectively rehydrate and rejuvenate our body and skin. Don’t like the crunchy texture or salty taste of celery? Blend it into your favorite green smoothie or soup, serve it with a creamy dip sauce or add it to your daily green juice for extra calcium, iron and zinc!

How do you like to cool down & lose weight during summer time? Let me know by leaving a comment down below.

Next Up: More Hydrating Raw Foods to Lose Weight & Get Your Body Bikini Ready

Radishes Will Help You to Lose Weight & Stay Cool during Summer

Photo credits:

Alex Schwab via photo pin cc
ilovemypit via photo pin cc





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