Green Pea Avocado Spread


Remember the recipe video for Mint Green Pea Soup I shared with you a few weeks ago? I was so inspired by the sweet, refreshing taste of the green peas that I decided to create another green pea recipe: a Green Pea Avocado Spread. You can have this as a dip with your favorite raw vegetables, as a topping on your salads or zucchini pasta, or as a creamy filling in a quick raw vegan wrap.

Green Pea Avocado Spread

SERVES: +/- 2 cups

EQUIPMENT: food processor, rubber spatula


2 cups of green peas, fresh or frozen
1 small avocado, pitted and roughly chopped
3 tablespoons of green onion or chives, finely chopped
2 ½ tablespoons of lime juice ¼ + 1/8 teaspoon of Himalayan crystal salt or sea salt 1/8 teaspoon of black pepper Extra green onion or chives, finely chopped (for garnish)


Combine green peas, avocado, green onion, lime juice, salt and black pepper in the food processor fitted with an S-blade. Process until well combined.


  • This Green Pea Avocado Spread will stay fresh for at least 3 days in an airtight container in the refrigerator.
  • Would you like to boost the flavor of this creamy spread even more? Add a small handful of finely chopped cilantro and ½ small clove of garlic for extra freshness and punch.
  • Want to use this spread as the base for a fancy appetizer? Serve it on top of Belgian endive with some finely chopped green onion and sprouts.

Now I would love to hear from you! What is your favorite vegan spread recipe? Let me know by leaving a comment down below.

Green Pea Avocado Spread

Green Pea Avocado Spread


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