Quick Hemp Berry Protein Shake

Quick Hemp Berry Protein Shake




Summertime is berry season! Did you know that berries contain special antioxidants that will protect your skin against the sun’s ageing effects and give you a natural summer glow at the same time? They will also help you to increase your endurance, boost your overall energy levels and slim down. You can add them to your breakfast bowls, enjoy them as a snack or blend them into your daily shakes and smoothies like this Quick Hemp Berry Protein Shake.

Quick Hemp Berry Protein Shake

SERVES: 2 cups

EQUIPMENT: blender


1 cup of water
2 ripe bananas
½ cup of mixed berries
2 tablespoons of hemp seeds
1 teaspoon of chia seeds
1 teaspoon of maca powder


  1. Combine water, banana, berries, hemp seeds, chia seeds and maca powder in the blender. Blend until smooth.


  • This shake will stay fresh for at least 1 day in an airtight container in the refrigerator.
  • Not a big fan of banana? Replace it with mango, pineapple or papaya.

Now I would love to hear from you! What’s your favorite summer berry recipe? Do you like to add them to salads, smoothies or desserts? Let me know by leaving a comment down below.

Did you like this recipe? Here are some other easy shake recipes you can explore:

Quick Hemp Berry Protein Shake

Quick Hemp Berry Protein Shake


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